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The closest thing to perfect being-ness

I don't think 'being-ness' is a real word. But it's my made up word for now. So what is the closest way we can experience perfect 'being-ness'. The moments of absolute being, absolute presence.

The feeling of connection to not just ourselves, but that which is around us. I have felt this on numerous occasions. Sometimes just few a few seconds, not even that. Other times I've felt so in flow / in the zone that life in that moment has been...well, perfection.

Every experience has stemmed somewhere from my connection to my breath. In the past it was unconscious. Just 'lucky' maybe. And of recent times, I've been able to find moments of pure bliss.

Now that I know that the closest thing to experience consciousness. Is through breath practise. Breath Awareness. And aligning this with grounding and really feeling into the moment.

It may begin to sound a bit airy-fairy. Yet it can be as simple as conscious, connected breathing. And by conscious breathing I don't mean just being conscious of our breath. But being conscious of our intentions. The emotions inside us. Opening our heart to FEEL inside our body. And in turn to experience the energetic exchange with the world around us. People, objects and 'the vibe of it all.

Our body and matter evolved out of consciousness.

So getting a handle on consciousness allows us to be more connected with all that is around us.

If in moments we believe we can’t control the way we feel, we can always become aware of what we are feeling. And then the energy around what we are feeling.

I can use my breath and my body to heal my mind.

And I can use my mind and my breath to heal my body.

What is the common link here?

It’s not just the breathing patterns that are important. It is what’s happening in our body that is just as important.

What are we thinking? Are our muscles relaxed?

The breath is only part of it.

What is our intention.

Through our breath and as an extension our connection to consciousness and awareness, we can enable ourselves to be more present to our feelings and even give ourselves a chance to adjust the physiology and a chemistry in order to experience a different state.


So what is the closest way to experience those moments of flow. Of everything feeling just right. Being in the zone. Calm. Bliss.

It's through our connection to consciousness which only comes via our connection to our breath. It was there when we were born. And is with us, cycling through about 25,000 times a day until the day we day.

It's our Simple Breath. Understand it. Harness its goodness.

For you. And for those around you.

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