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The 3 Parts of Our Breath

Ever given any thought to how you breath? For about 40 years, I certainly didn't. And now wish I had learned and practised this decades ago.

What I have discovered over years of tuning into and improving so much of my life through effective use of the breath - all started with understanding that there are three different parts of our breath cycle. Each part playing a unique role. And each part providing so much opportunity for change, growth and personal improvement when we engage it.

More Than Just "In & Out"

Funnily enough, our breath cycle or pattern is way more beautiful and significant that just "in & out". There are three unique and different components of our breath. And they are:

  • Inhale

  • Exhale

  • Pause

I think most of us could identify the first two. But how many of us are aware of, or even pay any attention the 'Pause'.

Now in some of The Simple Breath Training, we expand on each of these three in more detail. And indeed learn how each one plays a part in our lives.

When to pay more attention to each one. How to combine them better to create short & long-term change. And much, much more.

But for now, let me share with you a brief outline of just some of the functions of these three different parts of our breath.


Our inhale is that part of our breath mainly responsible for creating energy. It's the expansive, energy creating part of our breath. It's the bit where we 'suck in life' and helps regulate our Nervous System (NS) to be ready for action.

The inhale charges us up. And gets us ready to 'take on the world'.


Our exhale is almost the reverse in it's function. It is critical to 'down shifting the gears' and moving us into a more relaxed, calm state. It's the part of our breath cycle in which we can just 'let it go'. And I mean, everything. Let it all go.

Our worries, our stress, our energy and drop into our relaxed Nervous System state where we can recharge and move into the stillness and peace.


The often 'ignored' part of the breath cycle. Yet that part, in my opinion, is the most important part for feeling through emotions, processing thought and critical in our Nervous System regulation.

I use the word Pause deliberately, rather than Hold. Because for me the pause is THE transition. The space between the movement of our inhale and exhale. Unlike a hold, which can require significant effort to maintain. And also may represent the conclusion of an action.

A Pause indicates a 'part-motion'. A step that is a definite transition into something else. And here is something else that I think is really cool.

The Pause can happen ANYWHERE. The Pause is most common and most effective after our Exhale. But our breath cycle can also be 'paused' after the inhale and indeed at any point during either our inhale or exhale. Cool eh!

OK I Get That, Now What

If this, and the other blog articles are opening up a part of you that is becoming more and more intrigued. And you are beginning to feel that there is definite power, value, amazingness that can come from understanding and practising breath more.

Then look into The Simple Breath Training and pick the one most suited or relevant to where you are at right now. Get exposed to tips and techniques on using breath anywhere at anytime during your day (or night).

Or maybe look into some of the online and in-person lessons and experiences available. You could get some great tips from here that you yourself could share and implement at home with your family or with your friends or even your work collegues.

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