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Change your emotions by simple breath awareness

Being aware of our breath can change our emotions? Really?? As bizarre and as almost over simplified as this sounds. As humans we all have the ability to feel AND change our emotions almost at any time.

Granted this is not easy. It's simple - as in the process or practise is not complicated, but very straight froward. Yet undertaking and getting better at going through this simple practise takes effort and commitment. Especially at the start and whilst you're getting new to it.

The cool thing is, like all things. The more you do it - the easier and more automatic it becomes.

You see, when we are tense. Stressed. Anxious. Fearful.

Or even overly excited, euphoric, pumped.

The last thing we focus on. Or are even aware of is our breath.

In nearly every example of heightened emotions, our body - well our nervous system to be exact, reacts and responds based on past experiences. And on almost every occasion we don't control this initial response.

But we CAN control how we respond from the moment of awareness. Which can be a single second from the initial response.

So by simply practising being more breath awareness. We can divert and mange our energy and emotions.

How to practise breath awareness

Breath awareness I believe is simple. In fact, the common theme in all my The Simple Breath teachings is the simplicity. Opening the door to simple, everyday tips and techniques for all of us to use, by simply engaging and using our breath more efficiently.

So what is breath awareness. Well as the name suggests it's literally turning your attention or focus, even for just 10-20 seconds to your own breath.

Be aware of and feel yourself inhaling. What else are your feeling in that moment?

Experiencing yourself exhaling and releasing. What are you releasing?

Now even if you don't know (or want) to feel your emotions. "That's too woo-woo for me Duncan". Then just go back to being aware of your full breath cycle.

In and Out.

Then you get to consciously breath in through your nose. And out through your mouth. Then in and out through your nose.

And in your mind, you get to simply be aware of. "Breathing In. And Breathing Out." That's it. That is simple breath awareness. Not complicated eh! Just being aware of your own breathing - again sometimes just for 10-20 seconds.

And in this time, any level of emotion will move more into balance with not just your body. But also with the surrounding environment. It's like an energy equilibrium.

When we practise simple breath awareness, we are creating space to feel our emotions. Which in turn allows us to respond in the best way possible.

So regardless of whether we are conscious of our emotions or feelings adjusting. That bit doesn't matter. We are giving ourselves the 'space' or the opportunity to respond in a more harmonious, supporting, loving and calm manner.

If you're getting 'worked up'. Just 20 seconds of breath awareness. Or just 3 - 5 full breath cycles will bring your energy and emotions into balance. And allow you to be more present in the moment. And make better decisions than before.

Simple breath awareness can and does directly influence your emotions and energy in any given moment. Yet another example of the power of this thing inside all of us all the time - our breath.

It's why I keep saying. Change your breath - change your life. And it's simple.

The Simple Breath.

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