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Why changing just 1% of your Breathing a day can be life changing.

I have heard said so many times over the years how just small incremental 1% changes can add up over time to create significant change.

And yes, whilst I understood this concept for my finances, and even with exercise and in relationships.

Not once did I EVER consider this in my breathing.

I mean...c'mon!! My breath just happens. And how could a tiny 1% change in how I breath impact anything?

Breathing Changes Our Emotional State

So try this. Breathe really quickly. In & Out. Even if just for a few seconds. And at the same time, or straight after notice - am I feeling energetic or relaxed?

Chances are that you will be feeling pretty activated. Highly stimulated. Fast, rapid breathing does not induce a "hey dude...wot's happenin?" state. To feel nice and relax, we don't rapidly breathe do we.

And the opposite it true. To feel energised and motivated. Do you take some big, deep breaths or do you slow down your breath. And take nice slow, soft breaths?

How we breath has a clear and direct impact on our daily, hourly and minute by minute performance. How our brain and emotions are operating.

Our complete physiological, emotional and spiritual condition is directly impacted by how we breathe.

So if our Breath has SUCH a huge impact on how we live, love and function every day. Why do so few people understand their breath? Let alone have some regular practise or activity to allow themselves to feel way better simply by changing how they breathe?

The 1% Change

We breathe on average about 25,000 times per day. So changing our breath just a tiny 1% of the time equates to approx 250 breaths per day. We don't need to make a 50% change. Or even a 10% change. So a tiny, little one, single percent (1%) change and our lives can be improved for the better.

And here is another AWESOME factor to be aware of. This 1% change, or say about 250 breaths. Does not have to be all at the same time. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to show that spreading out these improved, conscious 250 breaths at different part of the day. Has the potential to achieve the same (and sometimes better) results.

So What Now?

Look through the other articles and PRACTICAL exercises, which will show you how you can implement this small 1% change into your life. It's not about intensive practises, hours of meditation or stressing your body for results.

A simple Breath Awareness practise can be done in just minutes. And if continued regularly can change how you experience life.

Stay in touch for new updates, research and simple, everyday practises by Subscribing. Change everything with The Simple Breath.

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