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Breathing Through Your Mouth Will Always Increase Your Stress Levels

Why? Because when we breath through our mouth - evolved from thousands and thousands of years of evolution - we are moving our bodies into a 'Fight or Flight' state. We are preparing to defend ourselves or others. Or we are ready to run away to live another day.

Now none of this is relaxing. None of this is calming. And breathing through our mouths is not a calming, relaxing technique. It's just not.

Emotional, cathartic & somatic release often through continuous circular mouth breathing is designed to tap into deeper emotions and trapped feelings.

The Wim Hof breathing patterns, just as an example, which are an ancient set of breath patterns is designed to train the body to be better at absorbing, retaining and functioning with higher levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). It's NOT a de-stress, relaxing

and calming activity.

Stress (PTS), anxiety or even depression can also cause a person to breathe through their mouth instead of their nose. These higher emotional levels activate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) leading to shallow, rapid, and abnormal breathing. Which in turn decreases the amount of oxygen that is released into the muscle and tissues, including the brain. Hence decreasing the effectiveness of our movement, function and cognitive (thinking) processes.

If you're feeling anxious or concerned. If you feeling triggered by someone or something. High chances are, without you even realising it, your body has moved into an activated fight or flight state.

You will notice increased mouth breathing. Your chest rising and falling more and even your shoulders moving up and down. You may even start to feel a 'shortness' of breath. This is not actually you needing more 'air'. It's your body's reaction to lower levels of CO2 because of the increased exhalation rate. Resulting in your blood cells to 'hold on' to the O2 molecules and not release them into your functioning body.

The moral of this for all of is, is to train ourselves to breath more through the nose. ESPECIALLY if feeling anxious or any PTS kicks in. Increased activity and exercise even, is best improved through breathing through our nose more.

If you NEED to increase your tempo, 'wake up' and energise. Then half a dozen mouth breaths will indeed help. And for most of us. There is so much stimulation and fast pace everywhere anyways. The key is to daily shift down a few gears. And let nose breathing be your simple solution for a more relaxed, conscious and loving lifestyle.

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