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86,370 seconds

Imagine you have $86,400 in your bank account and someone stole $30 from you.

Would you be so upset that you would throw all the remaining $86,370 away.

In the hope of getting back at the person who took your 30 bucks?

Or spending more and more of your remaining money just to get back that $30.

To make it that way it was.

Or would you let it go.

Acknowledge that they ‘had their reasons’. And move on?

Knowing that you no longer control that $30.

But you still control and can choose what to do with the remaining $86,370.

We all have 86,400 seconds in every day.

Don’t let someone’s negative 30 seconds ruin the rest of your 86,370 seconds.
Those 30 seconds have gone. Your whole day (and life) is ahead of you.
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